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June 29, 2013

Deanna Movie Posters on Display at the Stanford Theater

Earlier this month while visiting the Stanford Theater in Palo Alto, I was delighted to see  12 full-size Deanna posters hanging on the wall of the main gallery (a Deanna film fest took place at the theater last winter).

When you see these magnificent posters close-up, there's no doubting the star power of Deanna Durbin.

Here's a favorite of many: Lady on a Train

Here's Deanna's earliest film: Three Smart Girls

It's fun to see the small details on the poster: "A New Universal Picture"

and the Universal globe logo

After the sad news of Deanna's passing last month, it was rather comforting to see all of these lovely posters in their full-size glory, just as they were meant to be seen and enjoyed. And in a grand old movie palace that once screened these films when they were first released.

Thank you, Stanford Theater, for displaying these wonderful posters of Deanna.


  1. I just ran across this page with these amazing pictures and have to say, God Bless you David Packard for sharing Deanna Durbin with us. I hope someday soon all, let me repeat ALL of her films will be available in high quality DVD of better yet Blu-Ray. If you want to know why she was so popular, watch her films. I LOVE DEANNA!
    Larry S.
    Culpeper, VA

    1. Thanks for stopping by Larry, and for the comment! I agree 100%!
